
The Go library right now has various tests defined. E.g. server interaction, oauth, discovery and signature verification tests.

To run the Go test suite, issue the following command in a shell

make test

Note that this runs the tests without any server interaction (so for now only the signature verification tests). To run the tests with an eduVPN server you need to specify environment variables:

SERVER_URI="eduvpn.example.com" PORTAL_USER="example" PORTAL_PASS="example" make test

This needs python3-selenium and geckodriver (extract and put in your $PATH). Note that testing with a server assumes it uses a default portal, due to it needing to click on buttons on the web page. You can add your own portal by customizing the called Selenium script.

If you have Docker installed and Docker-compose you can use a convenient helper script which starts up two containers

  • An eduVPN server for testing
  • A Go container that builds and runs the test-suite
PORTAL_USER="example" PORTAL_PASS="example" ./ci/startcompose.sh

Note that this helper script also assumes you have the OpenSSL command line tool installed. This is used to install the self-signed certificates for testing.

This script is also used in the continuous integration, so we recommend to run this before you submit any changes.

There are other environment variables that can be used:

  • OAUTH_EXPIRED_TTL: Use this for a server which has a low OAuth access token expiry time, e.g. 10 seconds. You would then set this variable to "10" so that a test is ran which waits for 10 seconds for the OAuth tokens to expire
  • EDUVPN_PODCOMP: Set this to 1 to instruct the ./ci/startcompose.sh script to use podman-compose if you prefer this over using docker-compose.

Testing the Python code

To test the Python code, issue the following command in a shell (you will need dependencies for all wrappers if you do this1):

make -C wrappers/python test