Finite state machine

The eduvpn-common library uses a finite state machine internally to keep track of which state the client is in and to communicate data callbacks (e.g. to communicate the Authorization URL in the OAuth process to the client).

Viewing the FSM

To view the FSM in an image, register to the library with in debug mode. This outputs the graph with a .graph extension in the client-specified config directory. The format of this graph is from Mermaid. You can convert this to an image using the Mermaid command-line client installed or from the Mermaid web site, the Mermaid Live Editor

FSM example

The following is an example of the FSM when the client has obtained a Wireguard/OpenVPN configuration from an eduVPN server

graph TD

style Deregistered fill:cyan
Deregistered(Deregistered) -->|Register| Main

style Main fill:white
Main(Main) -->|Deregister| Deregistered

style Main fill:white
Main(Main) -->|Add a server| AddingServer

style Main fill:white
Main(Main) -->|Get a VPN config| GettingConfig

style Main fill:white
Main(Main) -->|Already connected| Connected

style AddingServer fill:white
AddingServer(AddingServer) -->|Authorize| OAuthStarted

style OAuthStarted fill:white
OAuthStarted(OAuthStarted) -->|Authorized| Main

style GettingConfig fill:white
GettingConfig(GettingConfig) -->|Invalid location| AskLocation

style GettingConfig fill:white
GettingConfig(GettingConfig) -->|Invalid or no profile| AskProfile

style GettingConfig fill:white
GettingConfig(GettingConfig) -->|Successfully got a configuration| GotConfig

style GettingConfig fill:white
GettingConfig(GettingConfig) -->|Authorize| OAuthStarted

style AskLocation fill:white
AskLocation(AskLocation) -->|Location chosen| GettingConfig

style AskProfile fill:white
AskProfile(AskProfile) -->|Profile chosen| GettingConfig

style GotConfig fill:white
GotConfig(GotConfig) -->|Get a VPN config again| GettingConfig

style GotConfig fill:white
GotConfig(GotConfig) -->|VPN is connecting| Connecting

style Connecting fill:white
Connecting(Connecting) -->|VPN is connected| Connected

style Connecting fill:white
Connecting(Connecting) -->|Cancel connecting| Disconnecting

style Connected fill:white
Connected(Connected) -->|VPN is disconnecting| Disconnecting

style Disconnecting fill:white
Disconnecting(Disconnecting) -->|VPN is disconnected| Disconnected

style Disconnecting fill:white
Disconnecting(Disconnecting) -->|Cancel disconnecting| Connected

style Disconnected fill:white
Disconnected(Disconnected) -->|Connect again| GettingConfig

style Disconnected fill:white
Disconnected(Disconnected) -->|Renew| OAuthStarted

The current state is highlighted in the cyan color.

State explanation

For the explanation of what all the different states mean, see the client documentation

States that ask data

In eduvpn-common, there are certain states that require attention from the client.

  • OAuth Started: A state that must be handled by the client. How a client can 'handle' this state, we will see in the next section. In this state, the client must open the webbrowser with the authorization URL to complete to OAuth process. Note that on mobile platforms, you also need to reply with the authorization URI as these platforms do not support a local callback server using
  • Ask Profile: The state that asks for a profile selection to the client. Reply to this state by using a "cookie" and the CookieReply function. What this means will be discussed in the Python client example too
  • Ask Location: Same for ask profile but for selecting a secure internet location. Only called if one must be chosen, e.g. due to a selection that is no longer valid

The rest of the states are miscellaneous states, meaning that the client can handle them however it wants to. However, it can be useful to handle most state transitions to e.g. show loading screens or for logging and debugging purposes.